
Micro Pump

微型隔膜泵(DC) Micro Diaphragm pump
    工作原理 Working principle:
  1. 微型隔膜泵又指微型真空泵,亦称微型水气两用泵,使用的介质分别为:液体、气体、气液混合体三种,指具备一进一出的抽气(液)嘴、排气(液)嘴各一个,内部通过机械装置使泵内部的隔膜做往复式运动,并且在进口处能够持续形成真空或负压,排气(液)嘴处形成微正压。
  2. Micro diaphragm pump and a micro vacuum pump, also known as micro water vapor dual-purpose pump, medium respectively: liquid, gas, gas-liquid mixture, refers to have entered a pumping gas (liquid) nozzle, a discharge (liquid) mouth a, internal by mechanical means enable diaphragm pump to do reciprocating motion, and the inlet can continue to form a vacuum or suction, exhaust (liquid) mouth formed micro positive pressure.
    产品性能 Product performance:
  1. 液体应无杂物,以免阻挡隔膜来回鼓动空间,易造成破坏;Liquid should be no debris blocking the diaphragm back and forth in order to avoid encouraging the room to cause damage;
  2. 工作环境:环境温度为-10至80摄氏度。高温环境:可按客户要求,使泵能在80-100度水温情况下正常工作;此类水泵需更改材质级别,提升耐温度;The working environment: ambient temperature -10 to 80 degrees Celsius. High-temperature environment: according to customer requirements, the water pump in case of 80-100 degrees to work; these pumps need to change the material level, to enhance resistance to temperature;
  3. 介质:温度60℃以下; Medium: the temperature below 60 ℃;
  4. 压力:0.1~1.5 MPa; Pressure: 0.1 ~ 0.3 MPa;
  5. 流量:适合有稳流需求的用户使用,差幅为<± 10%;Flow: demand for a steady flow of users, the margin was <± 10%;
  6. 低噪音:噪音比一般水泵较低,在45-55dBA间,基于流量而调升; Low noise: noise lower than the average pump, between the 44-55dBA, based on flows upward;
  7. 具有自吸的功能; A self-priming function;
  8. 可以空运行,泵不会过热; To run empty, the pump will not overheat;
  9. 高气动性能,耐用,体积小巧; High aerodynamic performance, durability, compact size;
  10. 可靠的动态密封确保无泄漏; 关键部件制造,确保性能可靠,长寿命的应用和精密流量。Reliable dynamic seal to ensure no leakage;Key components to ensure reliable, long-life applications and sophisticated traffic.
    使用说明 Instructions:
  1. 水泵不可放入水中使用,电机不可进水,进水将会损坏电机;the pump can not be put into the water use, the motor can not bewater, the water will damage the motor;
  2. 不得使用交流电源,电脑电源….等,以免损坏电机;shall not use the AC power supply, computer power supply... Andso on, so as not to damageBad motor;
  3. 规格参数已在出厂前调试后,不可随意调整,否则达到预定的要求;specifications have been in the factory before the commissioning, can not be arbitrarily adjusted,Otherwise, to meet thepredetermined requirements;
  4. 进水口必须安装过滤装置,不能进入杂质,否则,容易堵塞水泵,造成压力降低乃至不出水;a water inlet must install filtering device, can not enter the impurities, otherwise, easy to plug the pump, causing pressure ecrease and no water.
  5. 使用产品时注意输入电源应保证恒压,恒流,未特别指出情况下红色为正极(或+为正极),黑色为负极(或-为负极)。When using the product, attention should be paid to the input power supply to ensure constant pressure, constant current,In the absence of special cases, the red is positive (or + is positive(pole), black as a negative (or - as a negative).
    规格参数 Specification parameter:
  1. 型号


    flow Rate



    DYD40-01 12-36V <540mA 6.0-12.0W 1000-2000mL/min 6.0Bar ≤-0.15Bar <55dB 119.5*36.8*51.2mm
    DYD40-02 12-36V <680mA 6.0-15.0W 1500-2500mL/min 4.5Bar ≤-0.15Bar <55dB 106.0*72.2*47.2mm
    DYD40-03 12-36V <600mA 6.0-12.0W 1000-2500mL/min 6.0Bar ≤-0.15Bar <55dB 106.0*72.2*47.2mm
    DYR27-01 3-12V <550mA 1.0--5.0W 300-600mL/min 3.0Bar ≤-0.15Bar <45dB 61.0*27.0*24.0mm
    DYR27-02 3-12V <520mA 1.0--5.0W 600-800mL/min 3.5Bar ≤-0.15Bar <45dB 75.0*27.0*24.0mm
    DYR27-03 3-12V <320mA 1.0-4.0W 1000-2500mL/min 1.0Bar ≤-0.15Bar <45dB 73.6*27.0*24.0mm
    DYR27-05 3-12V <520mA 1.0--5.0W 800-1000mL/min 3.5Bar ≤-0.15Bar <45dB 80.0*35.8*27.0mm
    DYR27-06 6-24V <550mA 3.0--6.0W 1000-1300mL/min 3.5Bar ≤-0.15Bar <45dB 71.4*27.0*24.0mm
    DYR40-01 9-24V <550mA 5.0-10.0W 1000-1800mL/min 2.0Bar ≤-0.25Bar <55dB 110.0*62.0*40.0mm
    DYR40-02 12-36V <450mA 5.0-10.0W 1000-2500mL/min 3.5Bar ≤-0.25Bar <55dB 117.0*62.0*40.0mm
    DYR40-03 9-12V <550mA 5.0-10.0W 1000-1600mL/min 2.0Bar ≤-0.25Bar <55dB 103.3*62.0*40.0mm
    DYA23-02 3-12V <550mA 0.3~3.0W 70-260mL/min 10.0Bar ≤-0.25Bar <50dB 51.3*38.0*22.56mm
    DYA23-03 12-24V <420mA 5.0-10.0W 100-250mL/min 15.0Bar ≤-0.25Bar <50dB 69.1*38.0*27.60mm
    DYA23-04 3-12V <520mA 0.3-4.0W 70-200mL/min 3.0Bar ≤-0.25Bar <50dB 40.58*38.0*22.5mm
    DYA38-01 12-24V <650mA 6.0-15.0W 1000-1300mL/min 6.0Bar ≤-0.15Bar <55dB 94.2*61.0*38.0mm
    DYA38-02 12-24V <650mA 6.0-15.0W 1000-1600mL/min 6.0Bar ≤-0.15Bar <55dB 96.5*69.0*38.0mm
    安装及包装 Installation & Packing:
  1. 安装方向 泵应按水平安装;如需垂直安装时,泵头应朝下。
    Mounting direction Level of the pump should be installed; For vertical installation, the pump head should be facing down.
    固定方案 使用硅胶/橡胶固定座便于安装,可以减少噪音/振动。
    Mounting The use of silicone / rubber fixing seat is easy to install, can reduce the noise / vibration.
    出进水口连接 可选择快速接头连接,也可使用符合食品级材质的硅胶管.
    A water inlet connection Can choose fast connection, also can use silicone tube (in line with food grade material).
    橡胶盖 橡胶盖封闭入水端和出水端,以避免任何颗粒进到泵体内。
    Rubber cover Fixed In/Outlet with rubber cover to avoid any particles to get inside the pump.
    功能 无渗漏,允许水回流。
    Functional No leakage and back flow of water is allowed.
    外箱包装 内层由珍珠棉卡位包装,外箱则用加厚坑纸,多个棱角跌落实验均证明,长途多环节运输均不会发生不良。
    Packing Inner layer consisting of pearl cotton card packaging and carton with thickened Hang paper, multiple edges and corners drop experiment showed that long-distance transport links are not adverse.
    测试程序 Testing Procedure :
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