
Micro Pump

无刷直流水泵(DC) Brushless DC pump
    工作原理 Working principle:
  1. 无刷直流水泵使用永磁无刷直流电机的原理,在其转子上加上叶轮,在外壳结构上设计成液体流动的腔体构成,特点是安全,因没有碳刷摩擦,所以没有产生火花; 效率高, 低功耗(高效节能,有效功率达70%); 较有刷电机寿命长(可高达1万小时以上),噪音低(一米远40分贝以下)。
    Brushless DC pump uses the principle of permanent magnet brushless DC motor, coupled with the impeller in the rotor, the housing structure designed to form the liquid flow chamber, characterized by security, because there is no brush friction, so there is no spark; high efficiency, low power consumption (energy-efficient, effective power of 70%); than brush motors and long life (up to 10,000 hours or more), low noise (45dB one meter below).
    产品性能 Product performance:
  1. 采用了电子组件换向,无需使用碳刷换向;the use of electronic components without the use of brush commutation, commutation;
  2. 采用高性能耐磨不锈钢轴或陶瓷轴,轴套通过注塑与磁铁连成整体避免磨损,寿命大大增强(正常使用10000小时以上,无需保养);using high performance wear resistant stainless steel shaft or ceramic shaft, shaft sleeve and magnets by injection into the overall avoid
    Wear, life is greatly enhanced (normal use of more than 10000 hours, no maintenance);
  3. 水泵的定子部分和转子部分完全隔离,定子和电路板部分采用环氧树脂灌封,防水; the stator part of the pump and the rotor part of the complete isolation, the stator and the circuit board part of the use of epoxy resinPotting, waterproof;
  4. 转子部分采用永磁磁铁,水泵机身采用环保材料,噪音低,体积小效率高功耗低;the rotor part of the use of permanent magnet, the pump body using environmentally friendly materials, low noise, small size efficiency High power low;
  5. 可以通过定子的绕线调节各种所需的参数,可以宽电压运行,例如12V可调制1M扬程,也可调制1.8M扬程; can be through the stator winding around the line to adjust the various parameters, can be wide voltage operation, such as 12VCan be modulated 1M head, can also be modulated 1.8M head;
  6. 可以通过时间的长短调节流量的大小,以达到自己满意的结果; can adjust the length of the flow through the length of the flow, in order to achieve their own satisfactory results.
    使用说明 Instructions:
  1. 严禁超压运行,严禁超过各自规定最高电压使用,蓄电池充满电如果没有限压措施,会严重超压,不能保证自己电源电压的请先测试;super pressure is strictly prohibited to run, no more than the maximum voltage to use, the battery is full of electricity if there is no limit measures, will be severely over pressure, can not guarantee their own power supply voltage, please first test;
  2. 不得使用交流电源,路由器等类似的交流电源,以免损坏电机;may not use the AC power, the router and other similar AC power, so as not to damage the motor;
  3. 纹波问题(最容易出问题的地方):很多直流变压器是半波整流,结果就是直流中参杂了很多交流成分,水泵必坏!无刷水泵必须是全波整流;Ripple problem (where the most problematic): a lot of DC transformer is half wave rectifier. The results is the DC doped many AC component, the pump will be bad! Brushless pump must be full wave rectifier;
  4. 扬程问题:如扬程2.2米并不是说接上电源能喷2.2米高,扬程是指出水口接上水管后,水柱在水管中的垂直高度。喷射高度比扬程要低不少;lift problem: such as head 2.2 meters is not to say that the power supply can be sprayed 2.2 meters high, the head is pointed out that the water outlet pipe, the water column in the vertical height of the water pipe. Jet height is much lower than the head;
  5. 水泵安装要低于水箱或平行于水箱,不能高于水箱,因为没有吸程。pump installation should be lower than the tank or parallel to the water tank, can not be higher than the water tank, because there is no suction process.
  6. 水泵不能空转,由于空转的时候没有介质润滑,容易损坏。the pump can not be idle, due to idle when there is no lubrication, easy to damage.
    规格参数 Specification parameter:
  1. 型号


    flow Rate
    DYBL23-01 5-12V <450mA 1.0-5.0W 1.0-2.0L/min 2M 0-100℃ <40dB 35.7*35.0*26.0mm
    DYBL30-01 12-24V <700mA 2.0-12.0W 2.4-5.6L/min 4.5M 0-100℃ <45dB 58.35*49.72*37.56mm
    DYBL30-02 6-12V <500mA 2.0-6.0W 1.5-3.0L/min 3.3M 0-50℃ <45dB 40.86*41.0*33.0mm
    DYBL30-03 12-24V <700mA 2.0-12.0W 2.4-5.6L/min 4.5M 0-80℃ <45dB 65.5*56.78*37.6mm
    DYBL36-02 12-24V <1200mA 6.0-24.0W 4.0-8.0L/min 6M 0-60℃ <45dB 79.67*54.89*41.0mm
    DYBL36-02B 12-24V <1200mA 6.0-30.0W 4.0-10.0L/min 6M 0-60℃ <45dB 77.4*56.5*43.0mm
    DYBL36-03 12-24V <1200mA 6.0-10W 5.5-7.0L/min 7M 0-60℃ <35dB 62.8*54.5*43.0mm
    DYBL45-02 12-24V <28000mA 10.0-50.0 20.0-35.0L/min 7M 0-60℃ <50dB 99.8*78.5*55.0mm
    安装及包装 Installation & Packing:
  1. 潜水
    Submerge submersible or Non-submersible pump (Optional)
    Functional No leakage
    Installation Below the level or parallel to the liquid level, no self priming function
    出进水口连接 由于泵体本身压力较小,可使用符合食品级材质的硅胶管连接
    A water inlet connection Due to the pressure of the pump body itself is small, can be used in line with food grade silicone tube connection
    固定方案 使用硅胶/橡胶固定座便于安装,可以减少噪音/振动。
    Mounting The use of silicone / rubber fixing seat is easy to install, can reduce the noise / vibration.
    橡胶盖 橡胶盖封闭入水端和出水端,以避免任何颗粒进到泵体内。
    Strainer cover Inlet covered with strainer to avoid any particles to get inside the pump
    外箱包装 内层由珍珠棉卡位包装,外箱则用加厚坑纸,多个棱角跌落实验均证明,长途多环节运输均不会发生不良。
    Packing Inner layer consisting of pearl cotton card packaging and carton with thickened Hang paper, multiple edges and corners drop experiment showed that long-distance transport links are not adverse.
    测试程序 Testing Procedure :
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